The history of the Ile de France in South Africa can be traced back to 1903, when Madam Arnaud Ginchard sent a number of Ile de France sheep as a gift to the farming community of South Africa (De Panillac 1903). The sheep originated from the well-known breeder, Delacour from Gouzangrez. The number of sheep sent as a gift is not known. The sheep arrived in Table Bay harbour on 23 March 1903 and left the Concordia after being examined by a veterinary surgeon. A photo of the Ile de France ram was published in the Cape Argus of 29 April 1903 after release from quarantine. Further movements of the sheep are unfortunately not known. During the 1930’s great interest was experienced in South Africa for the breeding of slaughter lambs for export. Different well known mutton breeds were introduced by the Department of Agriculture and other organisations. It was also during this period that crossbreeding programmes lead to the development of breeds such as the Dorper, Dormer, Dohne and others (almost identical to a hundred years previously when the Ile de France was bred).
Shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War, Messrs. Frasers Limited imported a number of Ile de France rams. These rams went to their farm, Aanvang in the Wepener district, where they were used on Merino ewes. This cross was very successful resulting that 33 ewes were presented to the Research Institution in Pretoria for further research purposes. These animals performed very well on the following qualities: duration of the breeding season, lambing percentage, milk production, survival potential, as well as adaption to unfavourable climatic conditions. Due to the war no further imports were possible. It took another 30 years before Ile de France were again seen in South Africa… During the 1930s and 1970s, sheep were imported for research purposes. The first commercial Ile de France sheep were imported in 1972 by private breeders. Further imports founded the breed in South Africa.
The Ile de France Breeder’s Society was established in 1980.
Ile de France Breed Objectives
This Ile de France Society has determined certain goals, i.e., to strive towards efficient meat production within a given environment measured as maximum return of quality meat (in other words, total mass of lamb produced per lactation) per unit of metabolic mass of the breeding ewe together with wool of an acceptable quality which further contributes to the total nett income.These goals can be obtained by continues selection for:
effective ewe production, i.e., fertility (age at sexual maturity, conception ability and lambing intervals; fecundity (number of lambs born per lambing) and mothering ability (number of lambs weaned and milk production)
improved lamb growth for increased carcass mass and quality.
The Ile de France breed is ideally suited to fulfill these economic objectives